磁力泵产品概述 >>> Product summary
磁力驱动泵是将永磁取轴器的工作原理应用于离心泵 The magnetic driving pump is a new product applying
的新产品,设计合理、工艺先进、具有全密封、无泄漏、耐 the working principle of permanent magnet coupling to the centrifugal pump. it features reasonable design,
腐蚀的特点,其性能达到国外同类产品的水平。 advanced technology,full seal, zern leakage and comosion
磁力泵以静密封取代动密封,使泵的过流部件处于完 level of toreign products of the same kind. resistance. its performance has reached the advanced
全密封状态,彻底解决了其它泵机械密封无法避免的跑、 The magnetic pump substitutes the static seal for
冒、滴之弊病。磁力泵选用耐腐蚀、高强度的工程塑料、 氟塑料、刚玉陶瓷,不锈钢等作为制造材料,因此它具有 dynamic seal so that the flow-through components of the pump
are in a state of full seal which has thoroughly eliminated the deficits of running out, bubbling and dipping
良好的抗腐蚀性能,并可以使被输送介质免受污染。 磁力泵结构紧凑、外形美观、体积小、噪音低、运行 magnetic pump is made of corrosion-prool and high-tenacilty
unavoidable for other pump with machinerie seal.The engineering plastic,fluoroplastic,corundum ceramic and
可靠、使用维修方便。广泛应用于化工、制药、石油、电 stainless steel, so it has good corrosion-proof performance
镀、食品、电影照相洗印,科研机构。国防工业等单位抽 and prevents the transported medum from being contaminated. The magnetic pump is smal in size with compact
送酸、碱液、油类,稀有贵重液、毒液、挥发性液体,以 stylish appoarance. low noise and reliable operation.
爆液体的抽送,选用此泵则更为理想。及循环水设备配套、过滤机配套,特别是易漏、易燃、易 of chemical faciitating use and service. it is widely applled in organizations
developing and printing of fim and photo,scientific research industry,pharmacy,petroleum,electroplating,food,
institutions,national delense industry and so on for pumping and conveying acid and alkali lquid,oil materials,rare and valuable liquid,poisonous liquid and volatile lquid and fittings
for ciroulating water equipment and fiters. This kind of pump is particularty ideal for the pumping and conveying of easily leaky,flammable and explosive liquid.
磁力泵的安装和使用>>> Installation and use of magnetic pump
1.The magnetic pump should be installed horizontally.It重量,对于特殊要求垂直安装的场合,电机务必朝上。 is not suitable to stand up.The plastic pump body should
not bear the weight of the pipeline. On the occasion of
(二)当抽吸液面高于泵轴心线时,起动前打开吸入管道阀门 special requirement for vertical installation.the engine
即可,若抽吸液面低于泵轴心线时,管道需配备底阀。 must face upward.
2.When the suction liquid level is higher than the pump
(三)泵使用前应进行检查,电机风叶转动要灵活,无卡住及 axial lead, just open the aspiration pipe valve before
异常声响,各紧固件要紧固。(四)检查电机旋转方向是否与磁力泵转向标记一致。 the bottom valve. pump axial lead, the pipeline should be provided with the activation.If the
suction lquid level is lower than the
(五)电机启动后,缓慢打开排出阀,待泵进入正常工作状态 3. It is necessary to check the pump before use. The engine
后,再将排出阀调到所需开度。 fan blades should rotate flexibly. There is no locking or abnormal noise and all fasteners should be attached
(六)泵停止工作前,应先关闭排出管阀门,然后关闭吸入管 firmly.
4. Check whether the rotation direction of the engine conforms to the direction indication on the magnetic
5. After the engine is activated, open the discharge valve slowly. When the pump is in normal operation,adjust the discharge valve to the required opening.
6. Before the pump stops the operation, it is necessary to close the valve of the discharge pipe and then close the valve of the suction pipe.
警告:泵用电机应由专业人员进行有效安全接地,永久 Warning: The engine for pump should be earthed
性标志为④。 Permanent mark is effectively and safely by professional personnel.The